Chirati / चिराटी / Madras Pea Pumpkin / Mukia maderaspatana (L.)

OOO farms Wild Food Chirati

Other Names

  • Local Name: Chirati / चिराटी
  • Common Name: Madras Pea Pumpkin
  • Botanical Name: Mukia maderaspatana (L.)

Status & Habitat

  • Habitat: Climber
  • Occurrence: Forest areas, Hilly areas, Farm bunds
  • Season of Availability: August-September
  • Geography: West africa to Australia
  • Method of Propagation: Seed or cuttings
  • Part used for Propagation: Seeds or plant cuttings

Edible Parts

  • Edible Parts: Fruits
  • Can be Eaten Raw: Yes

Method of Consumption

  • Raw: Yes
  • Ripe: Yes
  • Both Raw & Ripe: Yes
  • Dangerous Form to Consume: N/A
  • As Food: Ripe fruits are eaten raw; raw fruits also eaten.
  • As Medicine: Young shoots and leaves decoction taken to treat vertigo and billiousness; leaf sap used to dress wounds.
  • Cooking Method: Ripe fruits eaten.
  • Preservation / Curing Technique: N/A
  • Does Require Another Plants to be cooked together: N/A
  • Souring Agents Required: N/A

Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits

  • Nutritional Benefit: Antioxidant properties
  • Medicinal Benefit: Helps treat vertigo and billiousness; helps heal wounds.

Tribal Wisdom

  • Tribal Wisdom: Young shoots and leaves decoction taken to treat vertigo and billiousness; leaf sap used to dress wounds.

Recipes / Usage

  • Tribal Recipe / Usage: Wash and grind leaves with ginger and chili with salt; add to dosa batter and make dosas.

Image Gallery

Chirati / चिराटी / Madras Pea Pumpkin / Mukia maderaspatana (L.)

Image 1