OOO farms Wild Food Chitrak

Chitrak / Chitruk | चित्रक Plumbago zeylancia L.

Other Names

  • Local Name: Chitrak / Chitruk / चित्रक
  • Common Name:
  • Botanical Name: Plumbago zeylancia L.

Status & Habitat

  • Habitat: Shrub
  • Occurrence: Barren lands, Farm bunds, Hilly area
  • Season of Availability: Throughout the year
  • Geography: Asia and Australia
  • Method of Propagation: Seed and Vegetative propagation
  • Part used for Propagation: Seeds and stem cuttings

Edible Parts

  • Edible Parts: Leaves
  • Can be Eaten Raw: No

Method of Consumption

  • Raw: No
  • Ripe: N/A
  • Both Raw & Ripe: No
  • Dangerous Form to Consume: Raw plant
  • As Food: Tender leaves are steamed and cooked as vegetable
  • As Medicine: Paste of plant applied to wound to speed up healing; leaf and stem paste mixed with papaya leaf sap applied to sores to treat them.
  • Cooking Without Prior Boiling: N/A
  • Boiling Before Cooking: Yes
  • Pickling: N/A
  • Brining: N/A
  • Fermenting: N/A
  • Drying for later Consumption: N/A
  • Overall Method: Steaming and Cooking

Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits

  • Nutritional Benefit: Contains flavanoids, fats, and proteins.
  • Medicinal Benefit: Helps heal wounds and sores.

Tribal Wisdom

  • Tribal Wisdom: Paste of plant applied to wound to speed up healing; leaf and stem paste mixed with papaya leaf sap applied to sores to treat them.

Recipes / Usage

  • Tribal Recipe / Usage: Powdered root decoction is taken for skin issues.

Image Gallery

Chitrak / Chitruk | चित्रक Plumbago zeylancia L.

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