Kakdi / काकडी / Cucumber / Cucumis sativus

OOO Farms Wild Food Kakdi

Other Names

  • Local Name: Kakdi / काकडी
  • Common Name: Cucumber
  • Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus

Status & Habitat

  • Habitat: Climber
  • Occurrence: Supporting frames
  • Season of Availability: Warmer parts of the year
  • Geography: the Himalayas, China, and Northern Thailand
  • Method of Propagation: Roots
  • Part used for Propagation: Roots

Edible Parts

  • Edible Parts: Fruits
  • Can be Eaten Raw: Yes

Method of Consumption

  • Raw: Yes
  • Ripe: Yes
  • Both Raw & Ripe: Yes
  • Dangerous Form to Consume: N/A
  • As Food: Fruits are typically eaten raw or pickled; the rest of the plant is used medicinally.
  • As Medicine: Fruit helps relieve burning and thirst; seeds drank with water to relieve thirst; seed powder helps relieve muscle weakness.
  • Cooking Without Prior Boiling: N/A
  • Boiling Before Cooking: N/A
  • Pickling: Yes, Fruits
  • Brining: N/A
  • Fermenting: N/A
  • Drying for later Consumption: N/A
  • Overall Method: Eat fruit raw, pickled, juiced or in the salad.

Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits

  • Nutritional Benefit: Rich in vitamin K.
  • Medicinal Benefit: Helps relieve thirst, burning, and muscle weakness.

Tribal Wisdom

  • Tribal Wisdom: Fruit helps relieve burning and thirst; seeds drank with water to relieve thirst; seed powder helps relieve muscle weakness.

Recipes / Usage

  • Tribal Recipe / Usage: Kachumber:
    Chop cucumber, onion, tomatoes, chili. Mix with spices and cilantro. Garnish and serve.

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Kakdi / काकडी / Cucumber / Cucumis sativus

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