As Food: Rhizomes are fried or cooked; stem is eaten cooked; seeds eaten popped.
As Medicine: Boil lotus pieces in water and drink for general health; lotus paste helps relieve headaches.
Cooking Without Prior Boiling: N/A
Boiling Before Cooking: N/A
Pickling: Yes, parts of the flower
Brining: N/A
Fermenting: N/A
Drying for later Consumption: Yes, parts of the flower:Seeds preserved as makhane
Overall Method: Can be cooked into curries, cutlets; seeds can be eaten popped (makhane).
Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits
Nutritional Benefit: High potassium content.
Medicinal Benefit: Helps with general health and headaches.
Tribal Wisdom
Tribal Wisdom: Boil lotus pieces in water and drink for general health; lotus paste helps relieve headaches.
Recipes / Usage
Tribal Recipe / Usage: Sabji:
Remove fibrous skin from stems and cut them uniformly. Wash and drain stems, then heat oil in a pan. Sauté onions, green chilies and ginger-garlic paste with salt. Add turmeric, red chili, coriander, garam masala, cumin powder, and sauté. Mix in water lily stems, cook covered until tender
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