As Food: Sap is used in curries and as a thickener; seeds are roasted or used as a famine food; tender young roots roasted.
As Medicine: Used as a laxative and an adhesive in dentures.
Cooking Method: Sap used in curries; sap used as a thickening agent in ice cream and other sweers; seeds roasted and used as a famine food; tender young roots roasted and used as a famine food.
Preservation / Curing Technique: N/A
Does Require Another Plants to be cooked together: No
Souring Agents Required: N/A
Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits
Nutritional Benefit: Anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties.
Medicinal Benefit: Sap is used as a laxative and adhesive in dentures.
Tribal Wisdom
Tribal Wisdom: Sap is used as a laxative and adhesive in dentures.
Recipes / Usage
Tribal Recipe / Usage: The sap is dried, powdered and added to curries.
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