As Medicine: Juice helps improve appetite and cough.
Cooking Without Prior Boiling: N/A
Boiling Before Cooking: N/A
Pickling: Yes, Fruits
Brining: N/A
Fermenting: N/A
Drying for later Consumption: N/A
Overall Method: Fruit is juiced or made into pickle.
Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits
Nutritional Benefit: Antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.
Medicinal Benefit: Helps improve appetite and cough; helps heal wounds.
Tribal Wisdom
Tribal Wisdom: Juice of unripe fruit helps improve appetite; juice of flower helps with cough; paste of roots applied to wounds to help healing.
Recipes / Usage
Tribal Recipe / Usage: Wood apple juice:
Break the wood apple shell, extract pulp into a drainer. Add room temperature water gradually, separate seeds. Mix pulp with coconut milk, salt, and sugar.
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