Loth / लोथ / Monarch of the East / Sauromatum venosum (Aiton) Kunth
Other Names
Local Name: Loth / लोथ
Common Name: Monarch of the East
Botanical Name: Sauromatum venosum (Aiton) Kunth
Status & Habitat
Status: LC (Least Concern)
Habitat: Herb
Occurrence: Forests and riparian meadows
Season of Availability: Warmer parts of the year
Geography: Asia and Africa
Method of Propagation: Seed propagation
Part used for Propagation: Dried seeds
Edible Parts
Edible Parts: Leaves
Can be Eaten Raw: No
Method of Consumption
Raw: No
Ripe: N/A
Both Raw & Ripe: N/A
Dangerous Form to Consume: Raw plant
As Food: Tender leaves are cooked with other leafy greens as a vegetable
As Medicine: Rhizome is taken orally with chewed-up wheat with a glass of milk to promote blood circulation after a snake bite; rhizome mixed with oil seeds and taken with a cup of milk helps with general body weakness.
Cooking Without Prior Boiling: No
Boiling Before Cooking: Yes
Pickling: N/A
Brining: N/A
Fermenting: N/A
Drying for later Consumption: N/A
Overall Method: Use whole plant and rhizome for medicinal purposes.
Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits
Nutritional Benefit: Rich in proteins and iron.
Medicinal Benefit: Weakness recovery, snake bite
Tribal Wisdom
Tribal Wisdom: Whole plant may be used as a poultice.
Recipes / Usage
Tribal Recipe / Usage: Crush the whole plant with mortar and pestle and apply to an area of skin affected.
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