Udid / उडीद / Black Gram / Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek

Other Names

  • Local Name: Udid / उडीद
  • Common Name: Black Gram
  • Botanical Name: Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek

Status & Habitat

  • Status: Cultivable
  • Habitat: Climber
  • Occurrence: Cultivated areas
  • Season of Availability: Spring and summer
  • Geography: East, Southeast and South Asia
  • Method of Propagation: Seed propagation
  • Part used for Propagation: Seeds

Edible Parts

  • Edible Parts: Seeds
  • Can be Eaten Raw: No

Method of Consumption

  • Raw: No
  • Ripe: N/A
  • Both Raw & Ripe: N/A
  • Dangerous Form to Consume: Raw beans
  • As Food: Used to make curry
  • As Medicine: Eating bean khichdi can help with digestive problems.
  • Cooking Without Prior Boiling: Yes, but requires soaking
  • Boiling Before Cooking: Yes can be done
  • Pickling: N/A
  • Brining: N/A
  • Fermenting: N/A
  • Drying for later Consumption: Yes
  • Overall Method: Can be eaten when boiled.
    Daal recipe:
    - Soak daal for a couple of hours, then drain and rinse
    - Boil the soaked daal then let it simmer
    - Season the dal with garlic, ginger, chilis, haldi, and coriander.

Nutritional & Medicinal Benefits

  • Nutritional Benefit: Rich in proteins.
  • Medicinal Benefit: Gut healing, fever reducer, diuretic, useful in treatment of eye ailments, anti-inflammatory, wound healing

Tribal Wisdom

  • Tribal Wisdom: Eating bean khichdi can help with digestive problems.

Recipes / Usage

  • Tribal Recipe / Usage: Pesara dosa:
    - Soak the daal for at least 4 hours
    - Ground it to a smooth paste with ginger, salt, and chilis.
    - Pour the batter onto a heated pan with oil. Flip if required.

Udid / उडीद / Black Gram / Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek